FAQ – Will I get to Choose the Images I Use?
During your headshot portrait session we will create a number of different options for you to choose from using a combination of poses, lighting angles, backdrops, or outfits.
During your headshot portrait session we will create a number of different options for you to choose from using a combination of poses, lighting angles, backdrops, or outfits.
Have you got more things to do then you can handle? Is your work list spiralling out of control? If you simply get started on your work list and earn some early completion successes then the rest of the items on the list will quickly fall into place too.
Here are a few guidelines for when you should and should not wear your glasses during a business headshot portrait session.
Real business growth comes from the people you know. And the people they know. And the people they know. You can accelerate your business growth by taking advantage of in-person networking to grow your own personal referral network.
Modern website design can be a little hard to keep track of; the best practices for websites are constantly changing. Make sure your site is up to date.