Realtor Headshot for Calgary Real Estate Broker Mark Potter

Should I Use My Logo or My Headshot for my Profile Picture?

I have seen so many variations of this question asked on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn that I can’t even count anymore. And I’ve seen just as many reasons from other small business people explaining why they use their logo (or a stock photo) instead of a great headshot.

Here are a few examples from a recent discussion that I had with some other small business owners:

  • I use my logo because I like a bit of mystery behind my brand
  • I recently started using my logo and I feel my page now has a more professional look.
  • My logo speaks to my style more than any image of me would.
  • I feel that if I use a photo of myself on my business page it will make it look like a personal page.
  • I wasn’t sure if I should advertise myself, or my brand?
  • My face really isn’t important and it doesn’t represent my business.

The short story is that none of these reasons are wrong, and it’s your business, so you can do whatever you want with your marketing materials. But I really think that you have to at least consider the fact that most people want to do business with other people, not with brands.

Tweet: People do business with other people, not with brands! #yyc #headshot #calgary #photographer

Tweet This: People do business with other people, not with brands!

Even if you run a business that has other employees (or that is not directly named after you), you are still the face of that business when people are learning about it online. People don’t want to do business with a brand or a logo, they want to know the names and the faces of the individuals that will be providing them the products and services that they need.

You really should allow your potential clients to “meet you” before they ever have the opportunity to meet you in person and shake your hand. You can do that by using a great picture of you (and your staff) on your website and on any social media profiles that relate to your business.

Book a Calgary Headshot Appointment

If you are ready to take your online profile to the next level then now is the time to schedule a professional headshot session?

Testimonial from LinkedIn Headshot Client David Pak

"Sean did an amazing job for developing my headshot on LinkedIn. He was a pleasure to work with and I would highly recommend him for your professional photography needs."

David Pak