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Is your to-do list out of control?

Have you got more things to do then you can handle? Is your work list spiralling out of control? Or maybe you’re just more interested in checking in with your friends on Facebook or LinkedIn instead of doing some real work? Procrastination is far easier than getting important work done!

It’s not always about procrastination though. There have been far too many days when my worklist is longer at the end of the day than it was when I started even though I actually had a fairly productive day…

These days everyone in business is busy and we *always* have plenty of things that *need* to be done. Sometimes the trick is just to do something (anything!) rather than fretting over how long your to-do list is. If you simply get started on your work list and earn some early completion successes then the rest of the items on the list will quickly fall into place too.

Eat that Frog!

Sometimes starting with the little things just doesn’t cut it and the weight of an enormous list of tasks is simply too big. This is especially true if there are some really tough or important jobs on the list that need to be done.

I was recently reminded of a great theory that can help in just that kind of situation; if you start out by tackling the hardest thing on your list every day then everything else will seem so much easier. I can’t imagine anything harder than eating a live frog!

Business coach and author Brian Tracy has taken this theory to the masses and has a very successful book available that lays out this strategy in plain English. “Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time” should be on the reading list for every business owner that struggles with procrastination paralysis.

Eat a live frog the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.

Side note: Mark Twain is one of many other notable personalities that has been given credit for this theory in the past. Learn more…

How does this theory work for you? Do you eat the frog first? What other strategies do you have for tackling a massive to-do list?

Book a Calgary Headshot Appointment

I really can’t help you eat frogs (and I don’t want to!) but if you’re ready to update the headshot that you use on your LinkedIn profile or company website then I can definitely help with that!

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Giulio Mettimano