Social Media Headshot

Do you Need a new Business Portrait?

If you haven’t had a new social media headshot, business portrait, or executive portrait done for a couple of years then it’s probably time to start thinking about whether you need something new. At the very least you should carefully review your existing portrait every year or two to see if it still meets your needs.

Keep in mind that there really isn’t one right answer to the question. In fact I usually end up asking a few questions of my own before we come to an answer together. Read through the following questions and you should be able to quickly decide whether you need a new image or not.

  1. Does your current headshot still look like you? If yes then it’s probably OK to keep using it, at least for certain situations.
  2. Does your current headshot still represent the look you want to show your target clientele? If not then you might need to replace it, or at least add a new one for use in those situations where the existing image isn’t appropriate..
  3. Have styles changed dramatically since the last time you had a portrait done? Remember that 80’s hair went out with the 80’s!!
  4. Do you need more images than you currently have for different purposes? For example do you regularly speak on different topics or meet with dramatically different audiences? Do you need a mix of serious and casual images? If you answered yes to any of these then you probably need some new images.

Consider each of these questions carefully and then decide whether it’s time to update your digital appearance…

Are you ready to book an appointment for a new Headshot?

So if you read all that and decided that it’s time for a new headshot or business portrait then you’ve come to the right place. You can click the button below to book an appointment online or you can call Sean at 403-615-3708 if you would like to discuss your needs before booking.