Business Portrait for LinkedIn

Best Practices for Websites Change Quickly

Modern website design can be a little hard to keep track of; the best practices for websites are constantly changing. And for every opinion you read about a feature that your site absolutely has to have you’re bound to find another that says the exact opposite. Both articles were probably correct when they were written, but it’s not always obvious which one is correct today.

The good news is that there are trends that we can follow. Mashable printed a great article recently that identifies 12 Outdated Web Features That Need to Disappear in 2014.

Although some of these aren’t as bad as the author makes them out to be, some of them really are. For example if you’re still using Flash elements on your website then there is a large chunk of the viewing population that simply can’t see those parts of your site. Most mobile phones and tablets don’t support flash, and that segment of the web audience is rapidly growing. It really is time to update your website to replace Flash with HTML5…

Great Photos are Still Important

I think it will always be true that you need to have great photos on your site. However if you are using stock photos instead of real images of yourself, your personnel, or your facilities then you really should consider upgrading those with some custom portraits of your people, places, and things.

From the Mashable article:

5. Stock Photos

Authenticity and personality are more important now than ever. Customers want to interact with brands they trust and want to learn about the people behind the company. Rather than using stock photos for your website, try taking photos of your team or customers. You don’t want a customer to see the same stock photo on your website and your competitor’s website, which is a very real risk. Be real!

Book a Calgary Headshot Appointment

If you are ready to make 2014 your best year yet, it’s time to update your website with some current photos. Book a professional headshot appointment for your team today. We can bring a complete portable portrait studio to a location of your choice, or we can shoot in the studio if that would be easier for you.

Feel free to call Sean at 403-615-3708 if you have any questions or need help booking a headshot session.