
What should I wear?

My Calgary portrait clients ask me all the time what they should wear for their headshots and business portrait sessions.

For business portraits men should wear a suit, jacket + tie, or a blazer. Women should wear a blouse/jacket combo without too many intricate details. For both men and women I always suggest simple outfits without stripes or patterns. Having said this, the images are for you, so you should wear clothes that you like and that you are comfortable wearing.

Corresponding or complementary outfits are always a great idea for groups.

The major piece of advice I can give is very simple:

Be sure to wear clothes that you like and that you are comfortable wearing. If you aren’t comfortable it will show in your face and your body language, and that will definitely come through loud and clear in your pictures.

Here is a link to a document with a bunch of additional tips about what to wear and how to prepare for your portrait session.

Book a Calgary Headshot Appointment

If you are ready to take your online profile to the next level then now is the time to schedule a professional headshot session?