Executive Portraits for Chris Peppler

Chris came into my studio for an executive portrait session to create some images for his company website, LinkedIn profile, and other marketing materials. He is the Canadian Projects Manager for Safety Management Systems. SMS help oil and gas companies to achieve an injury-free work environment. They have a team of highly experienced medical personnel and are one of the largest providers of health, safety, environmental, medical, and training services in North America. They are committed to the mission of protecting lives and changing cultures worldwide.

Portraits for Corporate Executives

When you are the head of a company, you will need to have a variety of portraits for different situations. Executive portrait sessions are designed to display the specific characteristics that you want to show in each of those situations. By hiring a professional photographer to create your portraits you will be sure to get the different types of photographs that you need to succeed in the business world.

Read on to learn about a few of the different types of portraits that you might need:

Head and Shoulders Business Portrait (aka Headshot)

The main photograph that most businesses display on their walls, websites, and in their print marketing materials are head and shoulders portraits. We often refer to this as the “LinkedIn Headshot” but it can be used in so many situations that it really is the bare minimum requirement that every executive needs. Although these are standard portraits that everyone needs, they are often boring and not always flattering. A professional photographer will use studio lights and posing to ensure that your eyes sparkle and that your true personality shines through in the image.

Upper Body Images

When you need an image that is a little more interesting than a simple headshot one of the easiest ways to do that is to include a little more of the body. Effective use of the arms can really change the mood and then energy of the image and it is really important for you to discuss how you are going to use the image. Tightly crossed arms will give a completely different vibe then an image with one hand on the hip and the other arm casually resting at your side. An executive seated at a table with her arms folded in front of her is even more different. This is one of the most creative poses and so many different things can be said with just a couple of simple changes.

Full Body Standing Pose

The full body pose is one that many business people like to have because they can use it in different ways than a tight headshot or even an upper body portrait. Everything discussed above about the creativity of the upper body image also applies. These images are great for use on the back of your business card or for a full page ad. With the use of great outfits, lights, and body positioning, your photographer can help you to feel completely at ease and to show off your personality.

Know What you Need in Advance

It is really important that you think about the types of images you want and how they might be used before you arrive at your portrait session. Executives need various types of portraits for different purposes and your photographer can really help to narrow in on exactly how to create those images. While the headshot is the most common, that is only because it is ideal for social media sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Every professional can also use the other types of images for use in different venues.

Schedule an Executive Portrait Session in Calgary

If you are ready to take your personal image to the next level then now is the time to schedule an executive portrait session. Sessions can be done in-studio or at a location of your choice. Call Sean at 403-615-3708 to book an appointment or book an appointment online.